Create a Professional Artist Page on Facebook

Many artists utilize Facebook to promote their work. Larn why you lot need a Facebook creative person page and how to create one.

Facebook business page for your art

With the number of Facebook business pages climbing north of 60 one thousand thousand (every bit of September 2016), business and entrepreneurs accept manifestly realized the potential this mammoth of a customs brings in terms of exposure, engagement, and potential, and have jumped at the opportunity.

Many artists now utilise professional artist pages on Facebook as a tool for promoting their work as well.It's a great way to showcase your artwork and insert updates about your career into the newsfeeds that people see every day. Facebook can too be an excellent networking tool, helping yous build up contacts within the art community, acquire and communicate with your fan base, find artist opportunities, and much, much more than. The possibilities are truly limitless.

facebook artist page

Still, in that location is often a certain amount of confusion about the difference between a personal profile and a business page, and artists aren't e'er aware that they should set up an artist folio, as opposed to their personal pages, which they may already maintain on Facebook. Subsequently all, a personal contour already connects you with your friends on Facebook, and isn't that enough of a promotional tool? (It isn't.)

In this article, we'll respond some frequently asked questions about this issue, and talk you through the process of creating a Facebook business page for your art.

Can I Utilize My Personal Facebook Profile To Promote My Art?

It'due south true that your personal contour can exist useful professionally, but in that location are limitations attached to this approach.

1. Facebook's Insights Tool

If you lot're using your personal page to promote your art, y'all're missing out on a great deal of important information that's only available for business pages – analytics. Facebook has an excellent analytics platform that will tell you a multitude of things about your audience and fanbase. From where your followers live and how sometime they are to which of your posts have the largest impact and what times are the all-time for posting. All of this tin can be incorporated into your understanding of the audience and can aid yous develop your page and target your posts. With a personal page, y'all take less information about the level of impact your posts have and the demographic breakdown of who is responding well to your content.

2. Advertising

Another disadvantage to the personal profile is that you can't place ads on a personal page. Although that may non be something you're considering right now, you never want to rule out this selection. With a niggling training and experimentation, anyone tin can become a corking advertiser on Facebook, thanks to their easy-to-use, intuitive ad platform.

iii. Suggested Pages

facebook artist pageFacebook's algorithm has a nifty niggling feature that will suggest your professional page to people who like pages like in content and/or close to yous locally. For example, 'like' Marian Gaucher's professional person creative person page and Facebook will propose pages of other Canadian artists. Like The Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts in Moscow and become a few suggestions on other Moscow area museums that you lot might exist interested in visiting. This characteristic is amazing in terms of extra exposure and is only available for business organisation pages.

4. Tagging

If y'all have a professional artist folio, other businesses, like galleries, fine art fairs, and museums will be able to 'tag' (or mention) you in their Facebook posts or photos. This is a wonderful opportunity to get your folio seen past their fan base. This feature is also bachelor only for business organisation pages.

Ane more thing – you're technically notallowedto utilize your personal profile to promote your artwork. The Facebook terms and atmospheric condition state that you cannot employ a personal timeline primarily for your own commercial gain: that's what business pages are for. For many smaller, unestablished artists, it's unlikely that Facebook will catch you breaking the rules, only if your page grows it'll be harder to hide.

So why not create a Facebook business concern page for your art? Y'all're proud of your fine art and your professional development – there'south no damage in sharing that passion and that pride with others.

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Will I Need A Divide Account To Create A Facebook Artist Page?

facebook artist pageNo – that's part of the dazzler of information technology. Y'all can create the page through your personal account, pregnant that when you're signed in as yourself, you'll still be able to encounter notifications that your page receives. You tin switch back and forth betwixt posting and commenting as yourself and your artist page very easily, simply by clicking on the arrow in the right-paw corner of the screen and choosing which account to use.

Won't I Become Confused About Which Business relationship I'one thousand Using?

It's really very easy to distinguish between accounts – whichever you're using will show up in the right-hand corner of the screen, so you tin can ever proceed track. However, it'due south true that this is important from both sides of the equation: you lot won't want to comment on photos of your friend's birthday party equally your concern page simply as you might non want to reply to professional requests from your less-than-professional page. The best rule of thumb is simply to switch over to your page whenever you lot are working professionally – updating your folio, commenting on groups as your page, etc. – and information technology will apace become a habit.

facebook artist page

Is It Obvious That The Business organisation Page And The Profile Belong To The Same Person?

It can be every bit clear as you desire it to be. You lot can treat them entirely separately, making the page solely about your artwork and career, and your profile merely for social interaction. Or, y'all can create a strong link between the two by including your name in the championship of the page, using a similar profile picture, or using your personal business relationship to like or share updates from your page. You lot can even put your business page every bit your employer in the 'most' section of your personal profile. There are lots of options here, and it's entirely upwards to yous.

I Want To Turn My Personal Contour Into A Business organization Page. Can I Practice That?

While this is an option that Facebook offers, we do not often recommend it. If you actually transfer, rather than set up a new page, a lot of your previous content will get lost. All yous'll take for your new folio will be your profile picture, and all of your friends will become "fans" of your page. The name y'all've been using for your personal contour will get your folio name. BUT, you volition lose your timeline information and previous posts and you'll no longer be able to manage whatever groups you were managing with that profile.

The simply real do good to doing this is that you'll gain the fans from your friends list – but is this really such a benefit? After all, you tin can go along posting on your personal profile afterwards you've created a business folio, and you can invite your friends to like it. By letting your friends cull to like your page instead of 'tricking' them into it, yous'll exist more than considerate, and you'll have the right sort of fans to commencement with.

How To Create A Professional person Facebook Artist Page

It's easy!

Log in to Facebook, using your normal, personal business relationship. Then click on the arrow at the top correct-mitt side of the page, and from the driblet-down selections click on 'Create Page.' You'll so be taken to a page that looks like this:

facebook artist page

Choosing what type of page you're creating isn't as of import as it might look, and you can modify it later if yous have to. But information technology's best to get it right from the start, because then Facebook can give you lot the most relevant data to make full in and your new professional page will be easily discoverable to your fans. So determine which option is near appropriate for you:

Creative person, Band or Public Figure

This is the 1 you'll probably want to choose. This sort of folio is designed to focus on yous, the creator of your piece of work – and, of class, by extension, your piece of work. However, take a expect at the other options before making your concluding decision.

Local Business or Place

Choose this option if you are aiming to promote a physical, bricks-and-mortar location. Do you run your own gallery with a permanent exhibition of your work or peradventure ain a studio that you work out of? Then this choice is for you lot. You lot'll be able to share data like opening hours and parking possibilities, or advertise the location of your business to concenter potential collectors.

Visitor Organisation or Institution

This is a skillful choice for businesses that have a number of locations with dissimilar addresses, opening hours, and and then on. Once more, this is unlikely to be relevant to artists, but there's a run a risk that your item situation would make this appropriate.

Brand or Product

This blazon of page is skilful if your artworks are sold in lots of different places. But information technology'due south actually meant for retail brands and products – for example, Coca-Cola – and it won't help you include that personal touch that most artists want to have on their business organization folio.

Cause or Community

This ane is worth bearing in mind if you lot're involved in a non-profit system of any kind. Even so, it'south not right for artists (in full general), though in that location may exist exceptions for artists whose whole piece of work and make is centered effectually supporting a specific charitable system. Retrieve, you can manage as many Facebook pages every bit y'all want, and so y'all don't necessarily have to combine everything in i place.


This does sound equally if it might be a good category for an creative person, but actually this is for things like books, TV shows, then on. It'southward not quite the right angle for most visual artists – though some, who practise publish books and appear on tv set, may want to consider this category.

facebook artist page

For this walkthrough, we'll assume y'all selected "Artist, Band, or Public Figure." Click it, and you'll run across that you're offered a number of categories to pick from – and one of them is 'Creative person'. Select it and enter the name yous'd like to utilise for your folio. Think carefully nearly this, because this is going to be the proper noun your fans will come across whenever you post an update, it'southward the proper name yous'll utilise to annotate on other groups and then on as your page, and it will be a major part of your promotional work on Facebook from now on. Your artist name should exist included in this title, and possibly a keyword such every bit 'fine art,' 'artworks,' or 'artist.'

One time you've entered the name yous want for your page, click 'Get Started'.

From here, it'southward pretty cocky-explanatory. You enter the relevant data past filling in the boxes as prompted. For your description, you tin can use text from your artist statement, or another piece that you feel encapsulates who you are as an artist. Don't make information technology too long – more than 150 characters and it may not show up automatically on the page. Don't forget to add your website address!

facebook artist page

Determine on the URL for your business page – ideally, one that includes the name of your business concern page.

Add a contour picture. Call back, that once information technology's setup, you lot can – and should – add a cover photograph besides, so choose the profile picture with this in mind. Possibly the contour picture show could exist a photo of y'all at work, and the cover photograph a piece of artwork, or a close-upward of a piece. You tin play effectually with these once the page is setup, and experiment with different images from time to time, irresolute them to celebrate detail events or achievements.

Finally, add more data to your 'Virtually' section, and go through your permissions to make certain you're comfortable with the default settings. To do this, go to 'Edit Page' and 'Manage Permissions'.

Add your folio to favorites, and then you tin can run across it easily at any time, and consider inviting your personal friends to 'similar' your new professional page.

facebook artist page

At present that you've got a Facebook artist page set up and ready to go, follow these pointers to promote your page and get it noticed and find art collectors on social media.  Engage and invest to brand sure that your fine art gets the attending information technology deserves!

Simply if you're finding information technology hard to remainder between working on your art and edifice a reputation online, "Social Media For Artists" is the right service for you. Visit our website to larn more.

Every bit a promotional gallery, nosotros have pride in the diverse group of artists from across the globe represented past united states of america. Desire to give your art more time, and leave the marketing and promotional hassles to someone else? Visit our Gallery Representation And Creative person Promotion page for more information.

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